These responses were posted to Alternet from January 24th - January 27th, 2008
Lying Liars
As Dennis Kucinich said on the floor of the house yesterday (in words that were later stricken from the record - I'm serious!) "The truth shall set you free".
All of the evidence is there! The smokng guns are so numerous, they've blotted out the sun. Never before in the history of this once-great nation has there been more than enough evidence to proceed with the Constitutionally mandated process of impeachment. So, what are these stupid fucking Democrats telling us? "Impeachment is off the table."
Here's the funny thing: They really think that 2008 is going to be a Democratic year. So convinced are they of this notion, they don't dare show some profiles in courage. That's why they will more-than-likely face another third party uprising at the polls next November. We - "the base" - are sick and tired of these timid, gutless and pathetic assholes.
John Edwards is the only candidate who is talking like the political heir of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So what are these foolish Democrats about to do? They're about to hand the nomination over to the Goldwater Girl!
I'm not making this stuff up!
Tom Degan, Goshen, NY
But Powell and Rice each spoke the truth!!!
Ah, but the article failed to reveal two truths told by Colin Powell and Condi Rice in early 2001.
Powell said on a visit to Egypt, that Saddam Hussein:
“has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors.”
2-24-01 in Egypt
Rice said of Saddam:
“We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt.”
From this timeline:
This article failed to mention these two truths that Rice and Powell spoke so bravely. Where is the balance?
If This is True, Its Worse Than I Thought
Then where were they when it mattered? If this is true when The Texas Turd and 5-deferment Cheney brought up their war talk, think what lives would have been saved, literally millions, had they said "This is wrong Mr. President, we don't need to go to war. If you continue down this path, my resignation will be on your desk in the morning". If their resignations were taken, then a little trip to the press room would have been in order.
Again, if this is true, how can they sleep at night?
For goodness sake America!
This is not just an interesting story for dinner parties, and people doing their "told you so" dance. This is a scandal, and if it had been Russia or China or France or Iraq revealed as telling this many lies in a 2 year period before going to war, America would be up in arms (literally)...
What the hell are American citizens going to do about this?
Does this......
really surprise anyone? I'm sure it doesn't to most who read Alternet. The people who support this president,and from his approval ratings that number is declining, seem to think that stories like this are false.
When this man (I use that term loosely) was put into office I told my older brother(career Army) to keep his head up because this guy would have him in Iraq within a year. I was wrong, it took 3. I felt that we would be there by hook or by crook because this simple little man has a penchant for holding grudges. When G.H.W.Bush ran Hussein out of Kuwait and thought it prudent not to continue into Baghdad it put "Dubya's" panties in a wad. When he realized that he would be president he was already conniving and planning what he and his cronies could do to "Avenge my Daddy!".
I was told in 2000 that I was an idiot to think that Bush would take us into the Middle East. I am just ashamed that so many were so blind for so long. I guess what really gets to me is the fact that we will still be embroiled in the mess in Iraq long after this dumbass has retired to Crawford to cut brush.
Hans Blix, Scott Ritter, Chomsky, journalists around the world, and
many, many other progressives in the alternet media in the US were saying that Bush regime was making up a bogus case against Iraq.
Yet, NYT, WaPo, and the rest of MSM in America actively promoted Bush's version. Why? 'cause media in US is owned by a handful of corporations that push their neoliberal/neocon economic agenda.
Americans should have known better, and they chose to wrap themselves up in the flag which has choked the blood-flow to their brains necessary for clear, objective thinking.
So this analysis is too late. We are deaf, dumb, and blind. And we deserve Bush for many more years
Back to Business as Usual
The truly sad thing about the United States of America is that the royal family - or the "royal fuckups" (whichever you prefer) - are above the law, a situation made possible in major part by the Democratic party which is nothing more than a bunch of yes men and women. Supreme crimes hasve been committed and the Dems are still dancing around it. Just think: Manson, Gacy, McVeigh, Jack the Ripper, Berkowitz, Ramirez all combined do not come close to the enormity of the crimes of the Bush family and his retinue of butt-lickers. Not even close. Yet, they all get promoted, are allowed to steal elections and the Democrats go on as if its business as usual.
Last but not least are the people. They shrug their shoulders, shake their heads and continue with business as usual when their representatives betray and poke them up the whazoo. They're still clucking over which yes-man/woman they're going to vote for. They're still giving credence to TV ads created by the same companies that promote Republican lies. The candidates with an ounce of integrity are considered a joke by the masses.
So screw them. In short, the USA has the government it deserves and it is only when the entire thing collapses, fascism reigns, treasury is completely looted, then - and ONLY then - will people get interested in politics, only then, it will be too late.
Now That We
know the truth, (I've sensed it from Day one of his presidency). When he talked about yellow Cake etc. I could SEE as plain as day he was lying. That he was a 'juvenile.' that others were the real power. So why are they still in office? Geez, Martha gets 6 months for her inside trading. I just read someone may get 100 years for money laundering. I've seen pediphiles and rapists get off in 8 years only to repeat their offenses again. Yet, over and over and over again these moraless people who stole our highest office to do their own money grabbing, like the Ever Ready battery keep on ticking and doing damage. Both should retire in disgrace and then offenses and crimes brought to light and send these two to prison. Why don't we have MILLIONS marching to the White House! Only The People can take charge. Kucinich, Paul, Edwards are the real truth seekers and have the courage to 'tell it like it is". Now that the entire public knows about the 900 plus lies, perhaps now some outrage will occur. The poor families who lost loved ones in this horrid, illegal invasion. Honestly, that we really needed to take SH out? PULEEEZE!!!! We have worse leaders around the world. Why not take them out? What about the atrocities in Africa??? Why aren't we in there protecting all those innocents and destroying the rapists, murderers? What is the difference? Ahhhh, no oil in Africa? No need to control Africa? There are military bases built in iraq, another now being built, a 590 million dollar embassy being built. That's where all our money has gone. None of iraq has anything to do with 'terror' or Democracy. More lies. SHAME on these moraless creatures. This has opened a can of worms, slugs, and maggots we cannot even foresee yet. Demand resignation. Punish later. Besides Kucinich others have filed papers for Impeachment.
String 'em up
More evidence that EVERY senior official of this illegitimate, criminal cabal of an administration should hang for treason against the American people and crimes against humanity. EVERY one of them - Condi, Christy, Colin, all of them!
When are we going to learn that the fix is in, not just on elections, but just about every other part of life in the U. S.? The only way we are ever going to get back - or maybe just get for the first time - control for the people is to TAKE IT! Obviously, asking the "opposition" to take action is not working. They have shown their true colors - yellow - and are not worth supporting. Do not compromise. Nader WAS right. There is not a dime's worth of difference between the Rethuglicans and the Defeatocrats on what truly matters to the vast majority of people in the World. They are all corporatists that use social wedge issues to distract us from the military and economic skulduggery they engage in Worldwide.
Barring an electoral miracle that makes my man, Dennis Kucinich a realistic candidate, vote for the probable Green Party nominee, Cynthia McKinney.
Lies: Pre-war, War, and Occupation
Such lies have been a key part of the White House’s manipulation of public sentiment throughout the Iraq war/occupation enterprise. In particular, many of the fabrications have been designed to activate our core concerns about issues of vulnerability, injustice, distrust, superiority, and helplessness. I’ve recently completed a 10-minute online video entitled “Resisting the Drums of War” that examines these warmongering appeals and offers suggestions for how to counter them. It’s available for viewing HERE.
Grasping the full scope of Cheney's deceptions
Greetings Class,
Please be seated and listen up! The lectures will now commence...
The combination of the Center for Public Integrtity's "Irag: The War Card" research, George Tenet's book, At the Center of the Storm, Eisner & Royce's The Italian Letter and the books and research of many others in recent years now provides enough of a foundation for everyone to finally discern that 9:11 was a "false flag" operation against both the American public and the Muslim world.
Likewise, the uncanny synchronicity of Al Qaeda's videos and other activities, perfectly timed to reinforce and support the Bush/Cheney administration's political needs, coupled with the actions of the Bush admin actually serving to strengthen Al Qaeda's position, now makes perfect sense. The apparent mistakes and chaos that have characterized the Iraq war, the easily prevented resurgence of the Taliban, and permitting Bin Laden to escape Tora Bora to a safe haven in Pakistan all fit the same pattern.
It's hard to maintain a state of continuous war if you allow your made-to-order enemies to be defeated too early. It is likewise hard to remain a "war president" if your wars end too soon!
Still, They Lie -- Fun With Lies
And they still are lying. They are lying about Iran. They are lying about the "need" for warrantless domestic surveillance. They are still lying about Iraq. They are lying about health-care, the economy, the environment, about so very much. Heck, they even lie about their own lying.
So many reasons to impeach. So little time. I have a hard time believing in Hell. But if it exists it was made specifically for monsters that start wars based on lies. Eternal damnation, anyone?
Switching gears: I suggest that we all have a good time with the fact that Bush lies, and lies often about the most important of topics. I heard somewhere the idea for a drinking game that can be played during the upcoming State of the Union speech. Every time Bush says something that is provably a lie, take a swig of alcohol (or of whatever concoction you wish). That is A LOT of drinking, however. (Maybe this game isn't safe.)
I personally can't listen to the man-demon, however, even as an excuse to drink alcohol.
935 lies = 600,000-plus crimes.
Isn't deliberately putting someone in harm's way out of gross disregard for their safety, or because of incompetence, or by false pretense, resulting in that person's death, a crime?
That's nearly 4,000 counts of negligent homicide against George Bush and Dick Cheney –– with over 600,000 counts pending in the Iraqi court.
I wonder if the courtroon in Nuremberg is still available?
All these lies
have caused so much death and destruction. Why couldn't the chimp in charge lie about sex just one time so we could impeach?
False Statements are Lies
So...why is it that when Bill Clinton is talking about an extra-marital affair, he is LYING and when Bush are talking about how they threw this country into a world war, they are "speaking false statements?" talk about SPIN - its like the whole world is so caught up in this silliness of either not admitting the president is wrong, or just so in awe of his power? prestige? something? to not use proper language!
its not like the FCC will fine you for using the L-word when it comes to the President, will they?
"blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth"
A clean break
Why did the Bush administration invade Iraq?
After it became apparent that the Bush administration was preparing to attack Iraq,
We decided to research the hawks promoting the invasion of Iraq. At this point we were
interested in uncovering the motivation since it was obvious that any threat that Saddam Hussein's Iraq posed to the United States was clearly exaggerated to the point of deception. In 1981 Israeli IDF destroyed Saddam Hussein's nuclear plant at Osiraq and the Americans again obliterated the site in 1991. In 1998, the IAEA concluded: "There were no indications that there remains in Iraq any physical capability for the production of amounts of weapons-usable nuclear material of any practical significance."
In researching the hawks promoting the invasion of Iraq, we found a policy paper written by Richard Perle et al for the state of Israel in 1996: (A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm):
"This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq —
an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions."
And in 1998 Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and notably Donald Rumsfeld (and others) wrote a letter to then President Bill Clinton calling on him to remove ".... Saddam Hussein's regime from power."
What is especially significant is the fact that the people who signed this letter back in 1998
entered the Bush administration after the presidential election of 2000.
After the terror and confusion of 9/11 in 2001 (which had nothing to do with Iraq),
they were able to implement their planned invasion of Iraq using the deception of
WMD's and non-existent links between Iraq and al-Qa'ida.
And in the last past 5 years since 9/11, the evidence, the facts, all support the conclusion
that Jane's Intelligence Digest hints at in the following report:
"All of this lends weight to the theory that Bush's war is part of a master plan to reshape the Middle East to serve Israel's interests."
Will The Democratic 'Leadership' Grow A Spine?
Will they - and impeach these criminals?
Sadly, I fear not.
If Congress Fails To Impeach, It's Time For The Public To Impeach!
We have the indictment, a forum, could have have an online jury, Alternet could perhaps host an Impeachment trial replete with a panel of enlightened, respected critics with very public discussion and very public results.
If Congress doesn't have the will, and it appears it does not, despite the above, then "the people" need to be heard on the specific articles of offense and a public condemnation by as many citizens as possible.
Let's try the bastards here.
This is just the tip of the iceberg...
How is a PR campaign run these days?
First, you have some "official spokespeople" - the statements of the officials are what this study covers.
That alone isn't enough to propagate the message, however - you need experts to get the message out.
This is coordinated by PR firms - in the case of OIL, Operation Iraq Liberation (I mean Freedom, OIF!) that was done by the Rendon Group and it's sister corporation, the Lincoln Group.
They have contacts within the corporate press that they feed the press releases to (Judith Miller and Michael Gordon at the New York Times are notable examples, but there were many, many others).
Then, you need some "independent third-party experts" - get them to write books and articles. Notable examples there include Ken Pollack, the ex-CIA, ex-NSA author of "The Gathering Storm", now at the Brookings Institute.
Then, you need to publicize the book, which the folks at Random House "bent over backwards" to do. You need to have briefings and meetings focused on the book and the "independent experts" at the think tanks.
Then, get the television press involved. Dress up some reporters in chemical weapon rubber bug suits and have them parade around in front of the cameras. Show clips of exploding nuclear weapons. Run footage of Hitler non-stop, interspersed with images of Saddam Hussein.
That's how you sell a war!
I'm sorry...
...but I've had enough with all this BS, mine included. Now I know what i'm gonna do in Nov: what I've heard so many say. I'm going to vote EVERY INCUMBENT OUT. Democrat, Republican, doesn't matter. If there's ANY of our people left in Iraq in November, I vote against EVERYBODY in CONGRESS and the SENATE. It's time to stop this endless crying and moaning about the shit this country's swimming in, and start bailing. That can only happen in November, and only if every single new (since '06) incumbent, starting with Pelosi and ending with Boehner, is gone the day after Election Day. Forget BushCo--get these people. They got into Congress & the Senate ON FALSE PRETENSES. We can always impeach BushCo after the fact. What'll really hurt those two is, when they're gone and it's too late for them to do anything about the evil they've done--they'll open schoolbooks and see that they're so low that they'd need a telescope pointing upward, to even catch a glimpse of Nixon.
Powell and Rice 2001 statements mean their later lies were intentional
Here is Powell's comment in February 2001, contradicting his later lies:
And more of the context of the remark:
"We had a good discussion, the Foreign Minister and I and the President and I, had a good discussion about the nature of the sanctions -- the fact that the sanctions exist -- not for the purpose of hurting the Iraqi people, but for the purpose of keeping in check Saddam Hussein's ambitions toward developing weapons of mass destruction. We should constantly be reviewing our policies, constantly be looking at those sanctions to make sure that they are directed toward that purpose. That purpose is every bit as important now as it was ten years ago when we began it. And frankly they have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors."
And Powell's later big lie-fest before the UN: (Ironically labeled at the White House website "Denial and Deception" in large yellow block letters. It is a sight to behold.)
He tries to defend his other quote here (very badly):
(The two links above are split due to AlterNet's word limit of 60 characters.)
Here is the source for Rice's truthful, contradictory statement about Iraq being contained, in July 2001:
And the key text:
(Larry) "KING: Still a menace, still a problem. But the administration failed, principally because of objections from Russia and China, to get the new sanctions policy through the United Nations Security Council. Now what? Do we do this for another 10 years?
RICE: Well, in fact, John, we have made progress on the sanctions. We, in fact, had four of the five, of the permanent five, ready to go along with smart sanctions.
We'll work with the Russians. I'm sure that we'll come to some resolution there, because it is important to restructure these sanctions to something that work.
But in terms of Saddam Hussein being there, let's remember that his country is divided, in effect. He does not control the northern part of his country. We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt.
This has been a successful period, but obviously we would like to increase pressure on him, and we're going to go about doing that."
So . . .
For such contradictions via the later lies, Rice and Powell should be tried for lying to go to war. These statements by Rice and Powell mean that their later falsehoods were not bad intelligence estimates. The lies were intentional. With over 4000 American service people dead, over one million Iraqi civilians dead, and a nation destroyed, this has got to be a felony worth a very long jail term, for not only Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, but also for Rice and Powell.