This particular insightful analysis was originally posted by "GI Jane" to her blog The Foxhole.
IVAW losers to host “Winter Soldier II”
Filed under: Assorted idiots, Politics — sfcmac @ 3:22 pm
SFC Jonn Lilyea, U.S. Army (RET) of This ain’t Hell ( is a good buddy, a blogger, and a fellow war veteran. He’s going to be covering something next month called “Winter Soldier II”; a circus hosted by a bunch of malcontents from the IVAW, “Iraq Veterans Against the War”.
For the uninitiated, the original “Winter Soldier” took place in 1971, with John Kerry at the forefront of the farce.
John Kerry lied before Congress in 1971 during the so-called “Winter Soldier Investigation”. He denigrated his fellow veterans with fabricated tales about atrocities he never witnessed, and hopped into the political sack with Jane Fonda, and the V.V.A.W. (Vietnam Veterans Against the War); a wonderful organization that voted on whether to commit political assassinations during a November 1971 meeting. He also traveled to Hanoi, shook hands with the VC, and offered his support. His picture still hangs in the Ho Chi Mihn museum. His “war hero” persona has some flaws. The embellished circumstances involving his Purple Hearts and his subsequent behavior are clearly indicative of lack of character, integrity, and the leadership it takes to be a respected member of our government. He shouldn’t have been a Senator, let alone Presidential candidate.
Former members of his Navy Swift Boat unit revealed some aspects of Kerry’s unethical behavior in Vietnam. Kerry “reenacted” his adventures in Vietnam with a movie camera, conned the Navy out of 4 Purple Hearts for Band-Aid “wounds” (one of which was self-inflicted), and threw someone else’s medals over the Whit House fence during an anti-war publicity stunt.
For a complete expose on the 1971 “Winter Soldier” sham check out this website:
Phonies like Jesse MacBeth, Scott Beauchamp, and Adam Kokesh, have either fabricated stories about themselves or their fellow sevice members and don’t have the decency to be ashamed.
Now comes a motley group of ex-military misfits, hosting a Winter Soldier redux.
The IVAW ( attracts some pretty undesirable characters. Read the “profiles” and comments on their website. Not one of them has any outstanding achievements. They omit full disclosure of their military backgrounds, and some of them are dumb enough to think that Buck Sergeants and Privates can “retire” under normal circumstances.
One of them in particular, Jonathan P. Dewald, has a unique way of “expressing” himself. His rants are clearly indicative of an emotionally retarded individual. Throwing imbecilic tantrums against the military and his own country is his way of compensating for his intellectual impotence. For someone who served in the Army, he’s totally clueless about the reasons for the WOT.
To top it all off, he’s not even a war veteran, yet he’s been allowed into an organization with the “Iraq Veterans” designation in the title. How token.
The Islamofascist goal of a world Caliphate is lost on the X-Box generation. In the IVAW, he’s in good company.
I previously blogged about these losers here:
Veterans angered by disgraceful organizations like the IVAW, not only served, but actually deployed to war; an item missing from Dewald’s DD214. It’s highly probable that they padded their ranks with asshats like Dewald. Evidently, they think numbers will make up for the lack of legitimacy and integrity in their clique.
The IVAW brings shame on themselves in an attempt to drag all veterans into the gutter of their anti-military/anti-war ‘activism’. They abuse their status as “veterans” for the purpose of bad-mouthing the WOT as well as the country.
They feed the maws of radical groups like Code Pink, A.N.S.W.E.R., and, and serve as a propaganda tool for Islamofascists who don’t like the fact we struck back and are erradicating them on their own turf.
There will be a lot of leftwingnut rhetoric at their little get-together next month, but they should know that most veterans will defy their bullshit.
The Left loves to tout groups like the IVAW as if they are ‘heros’ bucking the system, when in reality, there’s no honor or bravery in collaborating and joining ranks with an organization of traitorous malcontents.
I wonder if John Kerry will be on hand.