Winter Soldier comes to Austin, Texas on February 28
Bush is (fixin’ to be) gone from office, but his foreign policy is still here. The U.S. is involved in prolonged, bloody occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, with no clear end in sight. Iraq Veterans Against the War has called for immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq.
Many people’s hopes have been ignited by the election of the first black president, who was seen as an anti-war candidate. Since election day, it has become apparent that there is no sweeping change in foreign policy on the way. Similarly, at home there is the urgent need to address issues of injustice facing people of all colors, creeds, nationalities, genders, sexualities and social status. This action aims to bring activists from all backgrounds together to resurrect an anti-war movement for real change. For that reason we want to build a city wide coalition that unites around local demands. We are relying on ourselves, not politicians or their advisers, to determine the direction of our nation.
Saturday, February 28 in Downtown Austin, Texas from 1-5PM.
Mike Nordstrom
Greg Foster
IVAW Chapter 28