This list of actions was posted to United For Peace and Justice Website
Palo Alto, Califorinia
6:00 PM End the War! Vigil & Leafletting, Lytton Plaza University Ave. & Emerson St. Palo Alto CA 94301
Join us in marking the sixth anniversary of a war that should never have happened. We will hear from a few speakers and then leaflet passersby, urging them to contact the White House and Congress. With our economy in collapse -- and millions of people losing jobs and homes -- we cannot keep wasting billions of dollars -- nor any more young lives -- on two tragic and fruitless wars.
St. Augustine, Florida
6th Anniversary of Iraq War Candlelight Vigil/Thursday, March 19th, 6:30 PM at the gazebo in the center of La Plaza de La Constitucion.
We will circle the inside of the gazebo with the updated wall of names, set up a flag at half mast, play taps and hold a candlelight vigil with the reading of the names of all troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Candles will be available.
Boise, Idaho
End the War Rally, 4:30 pm
Gather at Capitol Annex, 514 W Jefferson, and then march to Boise
City Hall, 150 N Capitol Blvd. for a rally.
Watertown, Massachusetts
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Watertown Square
We are fighting two wars in which thousands of US soldiers have died or have been wounded and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have been killed and wounded.
We are spending BILLIONS on these wars while teachers are not hired, houses are not built, and families go without food, shelter, and healthcare; and as an economic depression brings more and more unemployment, foreclosures, and despair.
Bring candles and signs that reflect your feelings about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, our spending priorities, and our economy.
Sponsored by: Justice with Peace Task Force of Watertown Citizens for Environmental Safety, Newton Dialogues on Peace and War, and Waltham Concerned Citizens. If you have questions, please call 617-926-8560, mailbox 2.
Fort Lee, New Jersey
4:00PM - 6:00PM Join us in Fort Lee for a special peace vigil as we call for an end to the war in Iraq War. The vigil will be held at the corner of Lemoine Avenue and Bruce Reynolds Blvd
East Patchogue, New York
7:30 PM - Prayer Service for Peace and Reconciliation ALL ARE WELCOME.
New York, New York
1:00 PM = Union Square, New York City, marching to Times Square, New York City 14th & University Place New York City NY 10011
Rally & march to protest US escalation of war in Afghanistan; bombing of Pakistan; continuation of secret rendition. Join the first national anti-war protests of Obama's War on Terror.
6:00 PM - International Youth Hostel Down-Under Room 891 Amsterdam Ave @ 103 St. New York NY 10025,
Screening of Operation Lysistrata, the inspirational anti-war documentary of a worldwide theatrical protest of the Iraq War will be screened along with refreshments and invited guest speakers. Six years too many into this war, rededicate to activism against war and for social & financial justice with this inspiring film!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Noon, Philadelphia City Hall (west side, 15th & Market Sts.) Vigil for Peace with the Walk for a New Spring:reading the names of U.S. and Iraqi war dead; Celeste Zappala, whose son, Sherwood Baker was killed in Iraq, April '04; music; and walk-around City Hall, prior to Mayor's Appeal for Disarmament. Organized by the Brandywine Peace Community and Catholic Peace Fellowship. Call 610-544-1818 for more information.