This list of actions was posted to the World Can't Wait website
New York City, NY
1PM. Converge at Union Square, 14th and Broadway. Rally to stop the occupations and torture. Statement to rally in NYC and at all events around the country by Chris Hedges, former NY Times Mid-East bureau chief. Speakers about war and torture—Debra Sweet, WCW national director and others to be announced. 3PM. March through the city. Orange jumpsuit and black hoods contingent—yes, Guantanamo is still open, torture is still going on and must stop! Artists and everyone—bring your visual displays of urgency to stop the occupations. High school students and youth contingent marching to say We Are Not Your Soldiers–Obama as president does not change the illegitimate and immoral nature of the wars!
5PM. Converge at Times Square Recruiter Station. 43rd and Broadway. Obama wants 92,000 more for the Marines and Army to escalate the war in Afghanistan—no way!
San Francisco, California
3:00-6:30 PM “Stop US Occupations and Torture for Empire! US Out of Iraq and Afghanistan! No Wars on Iran, Pakistan, Gaza! The World Can't Wait!”
March through the streets of Berkeley 3:00PM Rally at MLK Jr. Memorial Park MLK Jr. Way at Allston (next to Berkeley High School)
4PM sharp, march steps off Youth: join the “We Are Not Your Soldiers!” Contingent All anti-war groups, organizations, people of all ages welcome! To endorse and to get involved, contact 415-864-5153 or [email protected].
Honolulu, Hawai'i
Stop the War Event at University of Hawai’I Manoa Architecture Courtyard and Auditorium featuring live music, displays and tables, followed by a film showing of “FTA” (“FTA” was a popular saying during the Vietnam war meaning “Fuck the Army”). The FTA tour played to more than 5,000 people in Honolulu in 1972. The person who introduced the show in 1972 is now a WCW activist. We have the poster for that show, along with some of the underground GI newspapers produced in Hawai`i in that period. These will be on display. The event will be an effort to reach a UH audience (one of the most popular youth bands is scheduled to play before the film showing), as well as to draw older anti-war people together. There will be tables from other organizations as well.
Louisville, Kentucky
3:00-6:00PM 6th and Jefferson Streets Louisville, KY 40201, We will have a program with speakers and singing at 4:00pm. We are working on an op-ed piece for the Courier-Journal, and other media coverage. We need your help with the following activities: 1. Set up at the Courthouse at 2:00pm. 2. Help with signs and banners. 3. Letters to the CJ editor about the US Occupation & LPAC actions, [email protected] 4. Sign up to work the table and hand out flyers on March 19, 3:00-6:00. I-71 West to 3rd St Exit, Right on Jefferson. I-65 to Jefferson St Exit. West on Jefferson to Federal Court House at 6th St. To become involved, contact: Jamie, [email protected] or Judy, [email protected]
Nashville, Tennessee
4:30PM - 6:30PM 2501 West End Ave Nashville, TN, TN 37203
The Nashville Peace Coalition invites you to participate in our street rally and candlelight vigil marking the sixth anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq. We will be gathering on West End Avenue in front of Centennial Park beginning at 4:30pm and remaining until 6:30pm. Please bring a sign and a candle for the vigil after dark to remember those killed in Iraq.For more information and to become involved, please call 615-593-0304.
Seattle, Washington
12PM. - Meet at the army recruiting station at 23rd Ave and S Jackson St in the Central District to resist the brutal crimes the US military carries out for this government. Contact us to get involved in organizing for this event at [email protected] and come to our meetings on Sundays at 6PM at Starbucks on Olive Way on Capitol Hill.
Rockford, Illinois
5-6pm - Hillcrest & Alpine. Travel north on Alpine from State Street. We will be near the Hillcrest Shopping Center at the SouthEast corner of the intersection.
Allentown, PA
11:30am to 12:30pm - 5th and Hamilton Sts. We will be standing in front of the Federal Building on the southwest corner of 5th & Hamilton Sts. in downtown Allentown.