This appeal was posted to the Connection e.V website, May 25, 2009.
Sign the linked appeal to the German government !
Send a postcard expressing your solidarity to André Shepherd !
Donate money for his legal expenses !
On Nov. 26, 2008, AWOL US soldier André Shepherd applied for asylum in Germany. His tour of duty in Iraq caused him to acknowledge that he could no longer take part in an illegal war which is contrary to the international laws of human rights. Because he does not fit the American military regulations´ definition of a consientious objector, he decided to go Absent Without Leave and apply for asylum in Germany. In his application he pointed to the directive of the European Union, from October 2006. With this directive persons are to be protected who remove themselves from such wars or actions which are against human rights, and then must fear persecution.
Currently, André Shepherd is waiting for a decision from the German migration authorities concerning his application for asylum. Now he needs political and financial support.
Click here to find how you can help, and fill out a form supporting André Shepherd.