This announcent, by Tom Barton, was published in the l;ast issue of GI Special, September 13, 2009
Beginning with this issue, GI Special becomes Military Resistance. The numbering will remain as was, to avoid confusion.
In April 2003, GI Special was the best name for a new publication that could be thought of. Not good enough anymore.
Military resistance to the government’s wars of occupation is here, now, and not limited to the Army, as implied by the term “GI”.
The resistance inside the armed forces and among veterans of today’s Imperial wars is increasing in numbers and dedication to the cause.
Without laying an organized foundation for more and better resistance actions through face-to-face contact between members of the armed forces considering or engaged in resistance and civilians ready to step up and support them, nothing will change; the wars will go on.
Presidents come and go, but the push for Empire is the fixed policy of those who own the government and buy the politicians in Washington DC to operate their government.
The Imperial politicians care nothing for the members of the armed services or the majority of civilians, except to use them as tools to accumulate wealth and power for themselves and their masters.
Incompetent doctors treat the symptoms of disease and ignore the disease itself.
The disease is the economic system that expresses itself in the drive for Empire and the wars of conquest used to extend the Empire: only today Iraq and Afghanistan.
The first step towards achieving our liberation from the common bondage imposed upon us by those no longer competent to rule society is the mass refusal of members of the armed forces to die for them in their Imperial wars.
Laying the foundation for future armed forces mass resistance means taking action now, working now to organize a network of armed forces members, veterans and civilians explicitly committed to that cause.
Therefore, when it is a question of expending time, energy and funds, the only question is how a given activity does or does not advance achieving that objective.
Anything less is a pointless game of trivial pursuits.