The following group of announcements were written by the estimable Sholom Keller and distributed to IVAW members on June 26, 2008
IVAW Member,
Back in March, when more than 200 of us gathered for Winter Soldier, I promised the membership that it would be a crazy summer. Well, summer has arrived and here’s what’s going down.
Reclaiming Our Independence
The Philly Chapter is organizing a reading of the Declaration of Independence, this coming 4th of July, at the location where it was written. This basic document gave birth to our nation, by affirming our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This document is as relevant today as when it was written over two centuries ago. In these volatile times, it is imperative that every American to ask themselves whether they are a patriot or a loyalist.
If you’re interested in participating, or if you are organizing your own local action for our nation’s birthday and need support, contact sholom [at] ivaw [dot] org or call 215-241-7123
Still Defending America
The summer base tour will visit eight military bases, with three days of events at each stop. The events will entail a fund-raising day, a concert day, and a BBQ with a VA Benefits/GI rights workshop. We will facilitate active duty outreach and support by recruiting new members, and starting or cultivating new chapters on and near military installations.
There are many ways that the membership can help this tour be as successful as possible. We will need as many of the local IVAW chapters in the region to attend the events. We need fund-raising support before and during the tour. We will be providing outreach materials to the point people for each base stop. You can help by passing them out to active duty service members, and by putting them in friendly local businesses and VA buildings. You can organize allies who are willing to provide BBQ supplies (plates, cups, silverware, etc.), food, and beer.
We have 8 scheduled stops on the tour, out of a total 201 active duty posts in the continental United States. The summer active duty outreach is not just limited to the base tour, and we are asking for the membership to help support the base tour by attending the events themselves, or holding events that support outreach to both active duty and veterans alike.
If you have any other questions contact Jason Washburn, basetour2008 [at] ivaw [dot] org or call 267-519-4590.
Summer of Solutions
Politicians in both major parties have failed our country's troops and citizens by allowing the illegal invasion of Iraq, and by supporting the continued US occupation. We have served our nation in a time of war and we continue to serve the American people by holding our elected representatives accountable.
Americans sent Democrats to Congress to end the war in Iraq, but two years later, we are no closer to a withdrawal. We expect them to follow through. Republicans claim to be the party that supports the troops, but returning veterans are not receiving the care they deserve. We expect them to match their words with action.
The time has come to hold our leaders responsible for their rhetoric. To do this, IVAW is holding actions at both parties’ national conventions. We demand a response as to how they are going to achieve an end to the occupation of Iraq, and provide adequate care and benefits for returning veterans.
Our credibility lies in our service to this nation. We did not just raise our right hands and swear to support and defend the Constitution, we put our lives on the line for it. It is time for them to listen to us.
We are developing teams and constructing a declaration, so please contact us with any questions or comments. Let's make this summer the beginning of the end for the occupation of Iraq. We need your help to make these actions a success. If you would like to help organize for these actions or have questions regarding them, please contact T.J. Buonomo at tj [at] ivaw [dot] org or 267-519-4589.
IVAW National Convention: August 28-31 in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
It's been quite a year for IVAW! We have more than doubled the number of local chapters, and our membership has increased exponentially. We executed a tremendously successful Winter Soldier, followed by testimony before congress. The mainstream media is taking us seriously, and we have a clear strategy to end the war.
IVAW’s National Convention is a very important event for us as a membership organization. It is a time for our members to build relationships, reflect on the past year’s activities, discuss lessons learned, brainstorm innovative ideas for the upcoming year, and develop a common orientation towards the goals and strategy of IVAW. This is your chance to meet IVAW members from all over the country and elect four new board members.
IMAGINE: YOU AND 1,200 OF YOUR FELLOW MEMBERS! Well, we’ll see what we can do. Our goal is to get 250 members there. We will be providing lodging for all members who attend. Scholarship forms, Sponsor-a-Veteran forms, a fundraising tip sheet and information about how to order merchandise to raise money will be made available on the website next week. If you’re interested in attending, let your regional coordinator or chapter leadership know.
Convention registration cost is $70. Register online at
For more info and/or to get involved in making this our best convention yet, contact convention2008 [at] ivaw [dot] org.
Give me Feedback
I have assumed responsibility for sending out the weekly membership e-newsletter. The purpose of this is to facilitate communication between the membership and the national office, to ensure that our work in the office reflects the needs and goals of the rank-and-file membership. Let me know what kind of information you want to be receiving in this newsletter.
On behalf of the organizing crew in the IVAW national office,
-Sholom Keller
OEF & OIF Veteran
IVAW Membership Coordinator
Editor, Sit-Rep