The State Historical Society's GI papers only exist on microfilm and are avathrough Interlibrary Loan as Miscellaneous Vietnam era GI undergrounds.
A'bout face.
About Face (Los Angeles, Calif.)
About Face! (New York, N.Y.)
All Ready on the Left.
An Exciting Career Awaits You in the G.I. Movement
Antithesis forum of the American Deserters Committee.
Attitude Check
B-Troop News
The Bond.
Broken Arrow
The California Veteran
Call up! SDA
The Chessman
Column Left
COM mon sense
Confinee Says
Cops attack anti-war G.I.s Mark Lane
Cry Out.
Dare to Struggle
Demand for Freedom
Do it Loud.
Draft Resistance Clearing House Memorandum.
Duck Power
Dull Brass
Every GI is a P.O.W.
Exile Report.
Eyes Right.
Fatigue Press.
Fight Back!
The Final Flight
The 1st amendment (Yakota)
The 1st Casualty.
1st of the Worst.
The First Amendment
Forward March of American Idealism
Fragging Action.
FTA With Pride
Getting Late.
Getting Together.
G.I. News & Discussion Bulletin
The GI Organizer.
GI Voice (Fort Polk, Tex.)
GI Voice (New York, N.Y.)
GIs appeal to all union workers help us to organize for justice.
The Green Machine
Heresy II
The Hogarm.
Huachuca Hard Times
Kill for Peace
Kitty Litter.
Last Harass
The Last Incursion
Left Face.
Left Flank
Liberated Barracks.
Liberty Call / San Diego Concerned Officers Movement.
Liberty call (1973)
The Logistic.
The Looper.
Military Issues.
Morning Report.
Mutiny trial defendants the Presidio 27' profiles
My Knot.
99th Bummer
Navy Times are Changin'.
New Salute
Newsletter / American Deserters Committee.
Newsletter / GI Alliance.
Newsletter / GI C.L.D.C.
Newsletter / Reservists Committee to Stop the War
The Olive Branch
Omega Press.
On the Beach
The Oppressed
The Other Side
The Other Side a News Letter of the Concerned Officers Movement.
Our Thing / Redstone Peace Force.
Out Now.
Out Now!
The Paper Bag
The Paper Grenade Newsletter of the American Deserters Committee.
Pay Back.
People Emerging Against Corrupt Establishments
Pentagon G.I. Coffeehouse newsletter
The Pickle Press
The Puget Sound Sound Off
Pvt. Pisser of the Amerikan Army
The Rebel
The Representative
The Right-on Post
Rip off.
RITA notes
The Second Front
Second Front (Canadian ed.)
The Short Times
sNorton Bird
Spaced Sentinel
Square Wheel
The Squeak
Star Spangled Bummer
The Star 'n' Bars
Strike Back
Stuffed Puffin
Task Force
Top Secret : GI Civilian Alliance for Peace News
Tricky Dix Law and Orders.
Twin Cities Protester
The Ultimate Weapon of the Fort Dix Free Speech Movement
The Underground Oak
Unity Now
Veteran Stars & Stripes for Peace
Veterans' Voice
Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization.
Voice of the Lumpen
War Bulletin
We Got the BrASS : journal of the Second Front Internationa
Where Are We?
The Whig
Yokosuka David